Earthworm Jim Wiki

Mrs. Bleverage, full name, Ethel Bleverage, is a woman, who once lived next door to Jim on Terlawk. She is easily recognized by her shrill voice, her horrid yellow outfit, and her curler-laden hair (which is actually a "fakey wig"). As she first appeared in the episode “The Egg Beater”, Jim originally borrowed an egg beater from her, but forgot to bring it back with him after a trip to La Planeta de Agua (Arriba!). In an attempt to regain her respect (which he never had in the first place), Jim took her on a long journey to find the egg beater, only to learn while on Insectika that it was in his pocket the whole time.

In the episode, “The Exile of Lucy”, after the mutinous act from Psy-Crow and Professor Monkey For-A-Head, Mrs. Bleverage befriended Queen Slug-For-A-Butt after her exile as the Insectikan queen. Once again, she had to go on a long space journey with Earthworm Jim to the planet, Insectika, to defeat Psy-Crow and the professor, so Queen Slug-For-A-Butt could regain her throne. She has since then stayed on Insectika.

It’s stated that there does not exist a “Mr. Bleverage”, but that she has chosen to go by that name, only to protect herself from guys.

She is lastly seen in the episode “Hyper Psycrow”, as Queen Slug-For-A-Butt’s right hand.

